Friday, December 27, 2019

Parenting Style and Life-Skills Development - 1972 Words

Introduction A major question addressed by this study was whether parenting style influences late adolescence life-skills development. Results indicate that the parenting dimensions of responsiveness, demandingness and psychological control influence late adolescence life-skills development both positively and negatively. Discussions Influence of Parental Responsiveness to Late Adolescent Life-Skills Development Parental responsiveness was weakly correlated with identity development (r=.28) and moderately correlated with decision making skills (r=.50). No relationship was found between parental responsiveness and interpersonal skills (r=-0.15) and health maintenance skills (r=-0.08). Responsive parenting cuts across aspects of authoritative parenting and core characteristics of permissive parenting. It entails parental acceptance, warmth, and support without being demanding. Parenting style studies conducted in the West have consistently shown that parental responsiveness facilitates positive developmental outcomes in late adolescence. However findings of the current study go contrary to these findings and more specifically against a study by Slicker et al. (2005) that linked parental responsiveness to adolescents who solve problems and make decisions independently as well as establish satisfying interpersonal relationships and discover their own identities. While disagreeing with studies from the West, the current studys findings seem to agree with Chao (1994),Show MoreRelatedEssay on Infancy and Early Childhood Development1654 Words   |  7 PagesInfancy and Early Childhood Development PSY/375 March 14, 2011 Kris Scott-Graves Infancy and Early Childhood Development Infancy and early childhood are referred to as those immature years of life and the stage at which most of a child’s development occurs. 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In this case, the level of parenting issues can help to improve the process of child’s learning development. This paper is going to discuss at least three parenting style for children in order to explore more about these proper parenting styles, which couldRead MoreWhat Kind Of Parenting Style Is The Best Overall Method For The Most Children? Essay1434 Words   |  6 PagesWhat kind of parenting style is the best overall method for the most children? That is the question that will be explored as the three major styles of parenting are examined throughout this essay. I will be analyzing these three styles known as permissive, authoritarian and authoritative parenting. Each style has various levels of what Diana Baumrind classified as demandingness an d responsiveness. These characteristics determine which style or category of parenting that a person best fits. The concept

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Television and Media Violence - Effects of TV Violence on...

Effects of Television Violence on Children Television is the mainstream of our culture. Violence on television has been a topic of conflict since before 1950. There have been repeated debates on how to protect children from the harmful effects of violence on television. Television is one form of modern media that influences the everyday lives of people. Televised violence has a major effect on how children perceive the world and how they behave. American television has become the most violent in the world. It is for this reason why researchers have focused their attention toward television violence (Cantor Hoffner 424-4-25). Children enjoy watching television and now with the increased technology of cable and movie†¦show more content†¦According to Sr. Elizabeth Thoman, the Executive Director of the Center for Media Literacy in Los Angeles said, the public has produced fear generated by media violence. She calls this the Mean World Syndrome, in which the impact may not be on potential perpetrators, but o n the rest of the population, who begin to believe that violence is inevitable, that crime is everywhere and that they must be afraid. The projection of violence intensifies our views of the real world, making it seem worse than it really is. As the media increasingly reports the gory details of violent acts, the public becomes more immune. It may make the children more fearful as they come to believe that violence is as common in the real world as it is on television and as a direct result children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others. Viewing violence encourages children to see other people as enemies rather as individuals with thoughts and feelings like themselves. Violent scenes less arouses children whom watch a lot of TV than those who only watch a little. They are less bothered by violence in general and less likely to see anything wrong with it. For example, in several studies, children who watched a violent program instead of a non-violent one were less quick to intervene or to call forShow MoreRelated Media Essay1506 Words   |  7 Pages Violence in the Media Violence in the media has been a growing problem ever since the emergence of mass media. One wonders however, how violence has become so prominent in our culture, more so than other countries. More minors are being involved in heinous crimes such as murders and armed robberies. Even play on the school ground is getting rougher. There are many factors that play into the increasing violence, such as over population, religious struggles, and race. One factor thatRead More The Negative Impact of Exposing Children to Media Violence Essay1448 Words   |  6 PagesImpact of Exposing Children to Media Violence On April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School, 13 people were killed and another 23 were wounded in one of the worst school killing incidents ever (Skeesis). Since the 1980s, overall homicide rates in the U.S. have declined. However, homicide rates for ages 14-17 have increased quite dramatically during this time period (Fox). Among other numerous potential causes, violence in the media may play a role in this increase in youth violence. Today, there isRead MoreInformative Speech Outline, Children and Violence Essay1264 Words   |  6 PagesInformative Speech Outline #2 Topic: Children and TV Violence General Purpose/ Goal: To inform. Specific Goal: I want my audience to know more about TV violence and children’s exposure to it. Thesis Statement: My informative speech is going to inform you about the definition of violence, how the media rates violence, and children’s exposure to media violence. Organizational Pattern: Topical INTRODUCTION I. Mahatma Gandhi said, â€Å"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.† Read MoreThe Effects Of Television Violence On Children Essay1246 Words   |  5 PagesThis guest teaches your children to resolve conflicts through violence. The guest baby sits your kids and teaches them principles you don’t agree with. Does watching violence in TV is harmful for your children? Is it Ok to let the 2 year olds watch TV unsupervised? No says the American replacing baby sitters? Hypothesis: Extensive viewing of television violence causes children to behave in aggressive or harmful ways to others. Children model behavior they see in the media, she wrote in 1993. IfRead MoreWatching Tv Is Bad for Children (Argumentative Essay)871 Words   |  4 PagesWatching TV is Bad for Children (Argumentative Essay) Today, people of different races and generations become victims of TV addiction. Some people watch television because they want to be updated about what is happening in the world. They want to be aware and get connected with different people all around the globe. Nowadays, not only adults and teenagers, but also children, get hooked on television. Because of the busy world people are living in today, parents do not have time to take care andRead MoreThe Corruption of Media690 Words   |  3 Pagesof Media I came up with a problem that concerns many parents. It seems as though violence plays a role in the lives of many people. Even innocent children are affected by the negative things that go on in the huge world we live in. Television violence is often overlooked because of its ability to retain children’s attention. Countless mothers and fathers put their children in front of the television so they can have time to themselves. As a result, the kids are subjected to unnecessary media violenceRead MoreMedia Violence and the Affects It Has On Children Essay1312 Words   |  6 PagesMedia Violence and the Affects It Has On Children The media clearly has an impact on our lives and especially the young, impressionable and weak-minded people in our society. Children become desensitized to violence when they see it everyday on TV, in theaters and even in video games. They are not becoming properly aquatinted with what is real, what is not, and the effects of it all. Even TV news deadens anyones perception of reality. People ofRead MoreChildren Aggression From Violent Television Essay1692 Words   |  7 Pages280 Children Aggression From Violent Television Page Break Over the years, researchers have studied the effects that television has had on children. When†¯children are taught†¯to†¯tie their shoes, it is because their parents taught them. When children are taught to ride their bikes, it is because someone showed them. In many instances, children learn†¯by watching and observing things they see others do.†¯This leads researchers to believe that violent television in terms, makes children more aggressiveRead MoreTo What Extent Is Media Violence Related to Aggressive and Violent Behavior?694 Words   |  3 PagesViolence is described in Webster’s dictionary as physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing. Violence on TV has been steadily increasing for the past few years. It’s not very often that you will find a TV show in prime time that doesn’t involve some type of violence. According to Hollywood sex and violence sells. The problem with this is that violent programs on television lead to aggressive behavior by children and teenagers who watch those programs. As adultsRead More Television and Media - Censorship of TV Violence Not Necessary877 Words   |  4 PagesCensorship of TV Violence Not Necessary    Censorship of televised media often begins as a result of the concern many adults show over what their children watch. Children begin watching television at an early age, and they are usually lifetime viewers by the time they are two to three years old. There is usually a steady increase in the amount of television watched during a persons childhood. This is followed by a decline during adolescence. What is more of a concern to the American people

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Manifesto Stated that if you were the compound prefect free essay sample

As acknowledged in the foregoing, it is their turn to relinquish the temporary leadership pedestal to us in order to continue their highly praiseworthy works and do even more than they could carry out because all the tasks cannot be accomplished within a year or Non tenure of office. Seniors, fellow students , it is much so sad that pupil elevated into such dignified position like this take undue advantage of it o rather look down upon their fellow mates instead of executing the responsibilities, accorded to it. The role of this leadership calls for someone who able to envision like the eagle. The eagle is the kind of all bird because it able to spot it prey some miles before it get to it , now this is an upheaval to its prey. That is one major quality of a leader and also someone who is responsible to duties, easy to approach, brave and eloquent to forward your grievance, resourceful in thought and filled with the spirit of GETS 1st. We will write a custom essay sample on Manifesto Stated that if you were the compound prefect or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There o iota of distrust that look the epitome best person who posses these qualities and for that matter should be designated the Senior School Prefect in this grand school. Members of Stuff, and fellow students, I have marshaled out a number of priorities to realize with your co-operation to give surety of the magnificent development of this school should be elected as the Senior School Prefect. First and foremost like to start on the concern I shall show towards academics during my tenure of office. Seniors as we all know that

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Theatre of the Absurd The Bald Prima Donna Essay Example

Theatre of the Absurd: The Bald Prima Donna Paper We have been studying Eugene Ionescos The Bald Prima Donna and theatre of the absurd. The Theatre of the Absurd is a term used to describe the work of a number of plays, mostly written around the 1950s and 1960s that portrayed human society as meaningless and absurd (illogical or out of harmony). It originated from the avant-garde experiments in art of the 1920s and 1930s and was undoubtedly influenced by the traumatic experiences of the Second World War. In 1948, Frenchman, Eugene Ionesco began writing The Bald Prima Donna, a pseudo-play anti-theatre that rebelled against conventional theatre. It reflected the meaningless of life and the tragedy of language through characterisation, use of language and stage directions. It was illogical, with no conflict or plot a key feature of theatre of the absurd. The characters were dull and generally bored, with little personality and there was a lack of development, which portrayed them as useless or irrelevant, even the time of day was mixed up, furthering the notion that people, place and time are meaningless. The dialogue seemed to be random, with no fluency and the sentences had no relation to each other until the conversations became total gobbledygook and silly noises. We will write a custom essay sample on Theatre of the Absurd: The Bald Prima Donna specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Theatre of the Absurd: The Bald Prima Donna specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Theatre of the Absurd: The Bald Prima Donna specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It portrayed the idea that not only is life meaningless, but also our language as a means of communication; that its become conventionalised, meaningless exchanges. Ionesco combined his ideas of the tragedy of language and life being meaningless without a God or purpose as the basis for the play, which produced some very peculiar scenes creating humour for an audience. From studying this play, in partners we improvised scenes where strangers had began conversations assuming they new the other person, when in fact they didnt. We also improvised dialogue where each person was a TV channel and when flicking through each pupil, it would pigeonhole on that programme every time it was his or her cue. This gave us an idea of how characters could have a conversation with someone, but neither listening to each other and effectively only talking to him or herself. The flicking through pupils was also similar to the start of The Bald Prima Donna where Mr. Smith is clicking his tongue at regular intervals. Following these improvisations we developed our own short piece that reflected our idea of theatre of the absurd in our generation. My group decided to do a montage of different scenes that portrayed either meaningless of life or the tragedy of our language. We chose to do a montage because we thought it reflected the idea that this is something that can be seen in various situations and characters, with a mixture or naturalistic and stylised work Our first scene began with a boy and a girl having a conversation after meeting on the street. The girl is attracted to the boy however the feeling isnt mutual, and the boy hides his dislike for her and acts as though everything is fine. We showed this with the use of thought tracking and role-play; each character had another actor behind them showing what the character was truly feeling through speech and body language. We also used levels and space to show that the lying front was more dominant; the actors who portrayed the true feelings were shorter than the physical characters. The physical characters were between the two characters that symbolised the true feelings, those actors where a physical barrier between the characters finding out how each other truly felt. I played the part of Jos characters thoughts, so I emphasised the difference between her feelings and what Jo said. For example, when she said she was fine, I clutched my stomach and said I felt sick but when she was acting cool and calm, I was jumping up and down with excitement. We were trying to reflect how language has become meaningless and useless as a method of communication because lies prevent and delude people from the truth. I think this scene worked well because it was clear what was happening in the scene, the diction was good. I think it could have improved if the projection was a bit stronger because I think that affected the cues, which could have been picked up quicker to make it more fluent. The transition between the first and second scene worked well because it was fluent and we used crosscutting, where you cut back and forth to different scenes. This technique was useful to portray the meaninglessness as an ongoing pattern despite being a completely different scene and situation. In the second scene, Rachel and Will were a married couple having a conversation though they werent listening to each other and effectively talking to themselves. It was a meaningless conversation, and the role-play showed their hollow marriage. This part of the montage specifically focused on the poor communication and pointlessness of their marriage. I think the actors role-play was effective because you could clearly see the boredom in their expressions, and their projection and diction had improved in this scene. I think we should have lengthened this scene so the conversation, in the same way Ionescos conversations would go on for a long time, would emphasise their bland and pointless married life. Our last scene was the longest and centred round a family; we used stylised theatre to portray the meaningless of life and lack of communication within the family. The transition into the scene was smooth and quick and we addressed each other so the audience was aware of whom we were in the family. We then sat in a circle each saying a piece of fruit as we moved closer into a circle. This was showing that although we had meaningless life as a family we were close, but as we started talking one by one the conversation was random and nobody was listening to each other and moving gradually further apart. This carried on until we were all talking about random things all at the same time. We used the space to symbolise how far apart theyd become as a family, and their dialogue to portray how meaningless their life was. I think the role-playing was at its strongest in this scene because the characters were all very different and in contrasting moods which complemented each character. I played the part of a moody teenager complaining about things, with slouched body and sour facial expressions whereas Jo played a happy, hyperactive little sister with lots of energy and enthusiasm. However I think we could have improved it by having a naturalistic scene with the family, so the role of each character in the family could be shown better through role-play and we could have incorporated more absurd conversation to emphasise the meaningless of life. Overall I think the performance could have improved much more if it was lengthened and we could have included some more different scenes for the montage. I think the transitions were very good because they were smooth into each scene but the end of the performance was a bit sloppy. I think the first scene with the thought tracking worked well and portrayed the idea, lies tainting communication well, but it was very short and had it been longer could have had better role-play and characters could be more developed. The performance as a whole portrayed Ionescos ideas of language and life well and we incorporated some of the techniques from The Bald Prima Donna particularly with the dialogue and structure of the conversations. Both the performances, The Bald Prima Donna and ours, aim to show the audience how meaningless life can be, and how language is no longer used to communicate our true thoughts and feelings, making it pointless. Because of the nature of The Bald Prima Donna the scenes are meant to emphasise absurdity and dullness, but because they are so over the top they are comical and entertain the audience, so I think the play works well as a comedy because otherwise it would be difficult to keep an audience interested in a play with no plot and about boring lives. I think we should have taken advantage of this because it could have made our performance more entertaining, and would be particularly more vital if the performance was longer. I like the play because the comedy makes the play more interesting to a wider range of audience because there are those who can analyse what Ionesco is trying to illustrate about life and those who want to simply be entertained.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Yellow Journalism free essay sample

A discussion of yellow journalism and its influence on the world. Yellow journalism, a term used for the use of negligent and flamboyant newspaper reporting without regard to facts, is examined in this paper. Its history and development, its purpose in the media and its impact on history are discussed. Yellow Journalism is a term used for the use of negligent and flamboyant newspaper reporting, without regard to facts. With yellow journalism the truth is usually misrepresented or concealed, more often than not, there may be no truth to the story at all. In its infancy, the term yellow journalism was used to describe the writing tactics used by William Hearsts New York Journal and Joseph Pulitzers New York World. These men used yellow journalism to exaggerate and misguide the American public on happenings in Cuba; such reporting may have even sparked the Spanish-American war. Yellow journalism is by no means a memory in Americas distant past; even the most conservative newspapers still practice it in a refined form today. We will write a custom essay sample on Yellow Journalism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Tabloids such as the Star and the Inquirer are notorious for sensationalizing and even falsifying headlines. Additionally, every once in a while straight edged newspapers papers such as the Wall Street Journal may get into the act as well. In 1996, ABC News was singled out for reporting that Israels Benjamin Netanyahu had called then Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin a traitor, further investigation revealed that the accusation was false.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Roaring Twenties a Time of Injustice essays

The Roaring Twenties a Time of Injustice essays The Roaring Twenties: a Time of Injustice The "Roaring Twenties" was the age that was supposed to have been a blast when people were becoming free-willed. The real scoop is the 1920's were a time of injustice and murder. It was a time that sent our great country into debt. There were many unjust killings in the 1920's. At the Cook County Jail in Chicago, a criminal was hanged in front of 200 prisoners.1 This trial of injustice was to warn the prisoners to behave themselves. One college student from Dartmouth College killed another over an argument. The argument was over whiskey. During the 1920's the KKK (Ku Klux Klan) came back, slowly gaining more power. The KKK disliked Negroes, Catholics, Jews, and foreigners. The KKK murdered many people. At this time in 1920, there were about 2,000 national members in the KKK. By 1924, there were several million KKK members in their national membership.2 These KKK members terrorized those who were different from them. Wages were cut dramatically while the prices of items only grew. U.S. Steel cut wages back to the prewar rate of 30 cents an hour. This wage provided barely enough to survive. A movement to wear overalls spread over the South in hope of cutting clothing prices. By 1929, 60% of the people had incomes at or below the level necessary to survive. Forty-nine percent of the people who were hit by the agricultural depression lived in rural areas.3 However, America was not the only country headed towards a great depression. In England, there was a severe depression that left 18% of the people to go unemployed.4 The Weimer Republic of Germany was also having an economic crisis. They said burning money was cheaper then buying firewood. In Italy, political strife led to the ascendancy of the brutal fascist Benito Mussolini. In France, the value of the franc plummeted. These are only a few of the countries that were headed to or in a great depression. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Comparative commodity chain Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Comparative commodity chain - Research Paper Example This paper provides a detailed descriptive account of the production of tomatoes as well as the similarities and differences between their production methods. Tomato farming in California is practiced by large farm owners who have perfected the art for many decades. They are grown in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys. The fields are planted from late January through early June for continuous harvest (Dhama 115). California, according to the United States Department of Agriculture, accounts for 90% of the United States of Americas production and 23% of the worlds production. Tomato farming requires a warm season because the crop is sensitive to frost thus planting during the winter season is impossible. The optimal soil temperature is 68Â °F (20Â °C) or above. Fruit development and quality are severely reduced when the temperatures fall below 68Â °F during the day and 50Â °F at night. The five most common varieties grown in California are Heinz 9557, AB 2, Halley 3155, Heinz 9780, and Hypeel 303. Furrow irrigation is the most common method used with drip irrigation gaining acceptance. Fertilizer application varies for different types of tomatoes farming. The typical rate of application is 125-250 pounds of nitrogen (N) per acre, 40-120 pounds of P2O5 and 0-200 pounds of k2O per acre. Pest and weed management are also put into consideration. The tomatoes are mechanically harvested and loaded into tandem bulk trailers and transported to processing plants. They are then graded at the inspection station located in production areas. The Processing Tomato Advisory Board (PTAB) administers this statewide program. Defects level, fruit color, soluble solid content and pH are evaluated. After all the inspection they are then certified and transported to various stores around the country. The stores in Tucson along with other stores around the country, receive their fresh produce through refrigerated trucks. The intended users of the product are the household, res taurants, hotels, hospitals and also schools. Most households use tomatoes in their daily lunch and evening meals. It has added nutritional value especially when it's cooked. There are various ways of producing tomatoes. They include conventional, organic and hothouse or greenhouse methods. The two common ones are organic production and conventional method of production. Organic farming is a production system which avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetically compounded pesticide and fertilizers (Bradley 414). Organic fertilizer and soil amendment such as compost and manure are derived from waste outputs generated by other systems. The raw materials for these inputs are assumed to enter the farming systems without any environmental burden. While manure is not further processed before application, compost is produced from organic waste using water and energy as additional inputs. The advantages of using this method are that the tomatoes have high antioxidants, environmentally friendly and the fruits contain iron, potassium and vitamin A. Conventional production of tomatoes entails the use of manufactured synthetic compounds (chemicals) to enhance the growth of the plant. Its advantage is that the chemicals are readily available rather than having to construct a compost. The government through the United States Department of Agriculture has provided guidelines for use when applying/dressing the plants with the approved chemicals. If