Monday, May 25, 2020

T.S Eliot and Modernism - 1137 Words

How does TS Eliot express his modernist concerns in his poems? TS Elliot represents the views of many artists of the modernist movement who encapsulate the psychological and emotional distress of WW1 and the early events of the 20th Century in his poems. Modernists believe that every individual in an industrialised city is part of a superficial society that reduces the depth and value of human relationships. The alienation and loneliness as a consequence of this superficial society are strong themes that are part of many modernist works. This meaning is hidden behind layers of complicated and elitist imagery and symbolism which force the reader to search for meaning in the poem as the poets search for meaning in their modern lives. The†¦show more content†¦The poem questions – â€Å"But as if a magic lantern threw the nerves in patterns on a screen: Would it have been worthwhile† – whether the exposure of one’s inner self would have been worthwhile. If a person has to contemplate whether the revelation of the ir true thoughts and feelings will affect the society around them, then it demonstrates how shallow and superficial that society is and the lack of communication between people. This concern about the increased importance of appearances is conveyed in TS Eliot’s â€Å"Preludes† as well. In the poem, the relationships between people is described using a simile – â€Å"With all the other masquerades that time resumes† – which connects the relationship between people with masquerades, suggesting that people connect through outwards appearances and mask their inner selves. This superficiality of modern society where nothing is honest or real shows how devoid of meaning the relationships between modern men are. The widespread nature of this society is shown through the use of metonymy – â€Å"One thinks of all the hands that are raising dingy shades In a thousand furnished rooms† – which dehumanises the crowds and suggests that the re are countless people who shut away the rest of the world from the inner thoughts and feelings that they cannot share with society. Modernist poems such as â€Å"The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock†, â€Å"Preludes† and â€Å"Rhapsody on a Windy Night† by TS Eliot reveals the modernist concern about modernShow MoreRelatedEssay T.S. Eliot and Modernism931 Words   |  4 PagesThe modernist writers of the twentieth century produced works of poetry and prose which were unique to the form. The writing style of modernism was unprecedented and reflective of the socio-political events of the period. 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